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15 Things You Didn’t Know About The Pagan’s Motorcycle Club

They may not be very popular with law enforcement agencies, but Pagan's are one of the most popular MCs today. Here's what you didn't know about them.

While there are plenty of friendly motorcycling clubs for the avid motorcyclist to join and ride with, primarily because there is safety in numbers, most of the wannabes like to join an OMC (as in, a one-percenter motorcycle club). There is a certain thrill associated with being bad, not that being part of an outlaw MC automatically turns you into an outlaw. But yes, people who are part of a one-percenter MC have been known to mock the law every now and then.

One of the rather popular MCs today, though not with the law enforcement agencies, is the Pagan’s MC. Also called The Pagans, they were mostly a peaceful MC, non-violent in its outcome. Slowly, as they began to accept more and more members in the ‘60s, they became more like a traditional outlaw MC. If you want to know more about them, read on for these 15 little-known facts about the Pagan’s MC.

15 Pagans MC Was Formed With 13 Members

Formed by Lou Dobkin in 1957, the Pagan’s MC was born in Prince George’s County, Maryland, with all of 13 members. Official MC business began in 1958-1959 with the club being pretty peaceful. In the ‘60s, as it began to expand, it began to follow the traditional OMG setup, simply because it was joined by a lot of veterans with plenty of resentment against the government.

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