(via google translate) —
Satudarah motorcycle club remains banned. The ban also applies to local chapters and support clubs, according to the Supreme Court. The court in The Hague banned the club in June 2019, following the court. The motorcycle club appealed to the highest court to overturn the ban, but the Supreme Court rejected that request on Friday morning.
‘Criminal hotbeds’
The civil suit against Satudarah to ban and dissolve the club is one of a series of the Public Prosecution Service against motorcycle clubs in the Netherlands. The Public Prosecution sees the clubs as criminal hotbeds and thus a danger to public order. Members of Satudarah are involved in such things as homicide, assault and drug trafficking.
Civil litigation
Also against the Hells Angels, No Surrender and Caloh Wagoh are civil proceedings instituted to prohibit such clubs. This was successful at Bandidos, but the local Dutch chapters are not covered by that ban. The Supreme Court will rule on the ban on No Surrender on December 4. At the Hells Angels, the court will appeal a ban in December.
Founded in 1990, Satudarah has several local chapters and three support clubs (Saudarah, Supportcrew 999 and Yellow Snakes). According to the court, the latter is an independent association and does not fall under the prohibition. The court ruled on appeal that the ban does apply to the local chapters. The Supreme Court agrees and calls Satudarah’s complaints in cassation unfounded.