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Vince Focarelli, The Former Australian Gangster Boss Is Now A Generous Muslim

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Vince Focarelli

BETWEEN 2010 and 2012, Vince Focarelli became a prime target for assassinations. Unmitigated, six offers to kill this former Australian gangster boss milling about in the ears of other Australian gangsters at one time.

Focarelli, leader of the ‘Comanchero’ bikine gang in SA, is still surviving a bomb attack that killed two members of the Hells Angels gang. But in January 2012, Focarelli’s luck was over. A shooting in Dry Creek, claimed the life of his son, Giovanni.

The attack that killed his son also injured Vince Focarelli. He was eventually arrested on drug-related charges.

“We lost such a precious Giovanni … he is always on our minds,” said Vince Focarelli.

Vince Focarelli
Photo: Ceps Ibo

“We think about him and talk about him every day.”

In April 2013, the former Australian gangster boss was released from prison on parole, after completing a sentence for firearms abuse and drug offences related to the incident in which his son died.

But now the ‘notorious’, has changed. Vince Focarelli, a former Australian gangster boss, former black world figure and gang leader, says he is now a changed person. He is now seeking a normal life and helping people in need.

The moment of his son’s death, Focarelli, , 41, was speechless and changed him. “Everyone has made mistakes,” he said.

Vince Focarelli, who has now opened La’Fig Cucina restaurant on Carrington St, revealed how he has got his life back on track and he is now feeding the homeless and donating to the poor.

“I have completely distanced myself from all aspects of gangster life,” he told Seven News . “I’ve given up my gangster life.”

“I’m human, regardless of what I’ve done in the past, everyone makes mistakes.”

Vince Focarelli credits the efforts of his family, his religion and the establishment of the restaurant as things that have helped him transform. Vince Focarelli claims that the restaurant helps the homeless and donates to charity.

The former black gang leader said the idea for the restaurant came when they wanted to create something halal and friendly.

“We started by talking about it in our kitchen, my wife and I,” he said.

“We had a thought and we were discussing, ‘Look, we want to open a little cafe, why don’t we do it right. Why don’t we help the Muslim community and provide something halal, organic and vegan’.”

Vince Focarelli said the restaurant also provides catering for the homeless, and provides evening soup for those in need.

“Tuesday is the time for all the homeless to come to La’Fig Cucina around 7-7.30pm, they come and get something warm,” said Vince Focarelli.

“As Muslims, it’s our responsibility to give,” especially in the last month of Ramadan, where we can learn to be humble and pious. Absorb all the kindness and love that is in and around the world.”