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Debate: The grouping is not a security issue

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Due to Norra Halland’s articles about Red Devil’s farm outside Frillesås. With this post I want to nuance my previous comments, regarding the article with Hells Angels and Red Devils.What I want to say is that I share the local area police chief (Krister Adolfsson)’s view that the grouping is probably not a security problem for Kungsbacka’s residents.Of course, I understand that criminal organizations such as HA create other problems for both individuals and society at large, which must be taken very seriously.

Criminal organizations must be opposed 

I am concerned about and want to focus on the rising insecurity of the municipality’s residents. As well as the risk of an increased number of robberies, assaults and other violent crimes. However, this should not mean ignoring the problems of organized crime.I admit that I should have been clearer about this and also want to be clear that all forms of criminal organizations in the municipality should be vigorously opposed.Kungsbacka should not be a refuge for criminal organizations or groups and the police have my full support in their work with this.