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The trial of an alleged hitman begins

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He is charged with three murders and one attempted assassination

Mafioso Salvatore Scoppa was targeted by an assassination attempt in February 2017, on his way to his Toyota Camry after a dinner at the Houston in Terrebonne. Four days after the events, the firearm was found by employees.

Four days after an attempted murder against a mafioso, the potential murder weapon was simply found in a pile of snow by a restaurant employee, we learned this week at the start of the trial of an alleged killer in pledges.

“I took it with my little finger, because if it was a real one, I didn’t want to put my fingerprints all over the weapon,” Samuel Fortin said Thursday. I saw the rifle casings already in the magazine. Afterwards, my boss came out and told me to put her on the ground. “

The former employee of the Houston restaurant, in the Lachenaie sector in Terrebonne, came to testify in the context of the trial of Frédérick Silva, considered by the police to be a hired killer. 

Frédérick Silva

The 40-year-old man is accused of having attempted to assassinate the mafia clan chief Salvatore Scoppa, in February 2017, at this restaurant, and of having assassinated three other individuals between October and December 2018, in Montreal and Laval.

They are Alessandro Vinci, Yvon Marchand and Sébastien Beauchamp.

Little is known of the former, but Beauchamp is a former member of the Rockers, a late Hells Angels club-school. 

The alleged hitman is due to stand another trial in 2022, this time for the murder of Daniel Armando Somoza-Gildea, which occurred in May 2017. 

He was arrested in February 2019, when he was one of the most wanted men in the country.

A long trial

Silva’s trial, which is taking place before Judge Marc David, is set to last for many weeks at the Montreal courthouse. 

The first part deals with the attempted murder of Salvatore Scoppa.

Three employees of the Houston restaurant came to explain the circumstances that led to the discovery of a gun four days after the events, despite the police having combed the area.

In the snow 

“I was out to smoke a cigarette,” said Samuel Fortin, a former local diver. Wanting to pass the time, I started to “kick” snow, ice, then while doing that, I saw a gun. “

He informed his colleagues of his surprising find.

“I asked if it had anything to do with what happened [earlier this week],” said the young man. 

It was not until about an hour and a half later that authorities were contacted to advise them of the situation. 

“We were in a big rush that evening,” explained Sébastien Dutrisac, who at the time was chef and manager. 

We can assume that the weapon in question was used for the crime, even if it still has not been presented in evidence before the judge.