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Arrests after murder in the rocker milieu

Google translated from German

In the morning, the Duisburg homicide squad arrested two men in Mönchengladbach with the help of special forces. It’s about a murder in the rocker milieu from 2014.

At that time, the Hells Angels member Kai M. was shot because, according to the investigators, he was suspected of having betrayed the secrets of the rocker gang. The men who have now been arrested are said to have helped with the disposal of the corpse and the murder weapon. The public prosecutor’s office in Duisburg therefore applied for arrest warrants for thwarting punishments in relation to joint murder.

Parts of the corpse washed up in Duisburg

The investigations revealed that Kai M. had been transported in a car trailer from Mönchengladbach to Duisburg and then on to the Ruhr area after his murder . Parts of the body were washed up in February and April 2014 in Duisburg on the banks of the Rhine and in the Rheinpreußenhafen. DNA tests and tattoos on the dead man’s arm could identify him. In May 2020, police divers recovered, among other things, a human skull from the Rhine-Herne Canal on the Duisburg / Oberhausen city limits. After forensic examinations it was established that the bones in question were the victim.

Suspected murderer, presumably abroad

Another suspect is currently in the Willich prison for another crime. According to the investigators, all three suspects belong to the rocker group of the Hells Angels. The 33-year-old Ramin Y. is said to be responsible for the actual murder. This has set off abroad. He is being searched for with an international arrest warrant. Another co-accused, who is also part of the Hells Angels, is said to have been involved in the dismemberment and disposal of the dead person. He was arrested in early September as part of a major police arrest and search operation. The investigation continues.

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